Father's Day June 15th 2014 - Preparing for Palestine.

Today I received some lovely presents from my daughters in celebration of Father's Day.
However, nothing prepared me for the card that I received from my youngest daughter.....

Knowing what a terrible sense of humour she had (it's the same as mine right?) , this did come as an unexpected Father's Day card!  But it made me laugh so much that tears were rolling down my face.

Sometimes, events catch you by surprise.

This week I am preparing to play in a concert with a band that I have been playing with for about 4 years now.  The 'gig' is a little unusual.... it is in Bethlehem, Palestine in the Middle East at the Bet Lahem Live Festival.

When I first signed up I thought that this would be a great 'gigging' opportunity, a lads weekend away.  Slowly however, the importance of visiting an area which is occupied by a nation that should know better, and being part of a movement to promote peace in one of the most famous places in the world, is starting to engage my thoughts about more than having a fun time on stage.

At time of writing, I am nervous about what I will experience as I learn about the great dividing wall that separates Israel from Palestine, the injustice of making life so unbearably hard that becoming a refugee seems like a better option.  There have been some missile attacks in Gaza which makes me slightly unsettled.  Deep down I know that it is right for me to visit this week and that in a small way I will make a difference, but I am still nervous.

Israeli's send missiles to Gaza in retaliation to Palestinian attacks

The purpose of this blog is simply to record my thoughts leading up to and during my visit to Palestine and Israel.  There will be photos and hopefully for you an insight into how I feel and the experiences I will be getting.

Israeli built separation wall around a Palestinian town such as Bethlehem.

I hope to update this daily, and if this is interesting for you then please give me your comments and questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Thanks for listening!


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